Commodore 64
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Commodore 64
The Commodore 64 was the first computer for many families. This program looks at what you can do with the famous C-64. Demonstrations include The Wine Steward, Skate or Die, Strike Fleet, the Koala Pad, Master Composer, Tetris, and Berkeley Software's GEOS. Includes a visit to a Commodore Owners Users Group meeting and an interview with Max Toy, president of Commodore. Originally broadcast in 1988. Copyright 1988 Stewart Cheifet Productions.
- Contact Information
- Addeddate
- 2004-08-10 16:03:31
- Closed captioning
- no
- Collectionid
- CC517_commodore_64
- Color
- color
- Identifier
- CC517_commodore_64
- Numeric_id
- 9777
- Sound
- sound
- Type
- MovingImage
favoritefavoritefavorite -
January 20, 2024
Subject: C64
Subject: C64
The C64 Liberty a Time of History Co
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 12, 2020
Subject: Quite an interesting video.
Subject: Quite an interesting video.
I peruse these comments, and I can see that so many viewers have had great experiences from their days of owning and using a Commodore 64. If only I were alive back then to see the heyday of these vintage machines, but alas! I like looking at these stories from the days of yore; they're all tiny time capsules waiting for me to crack them open and see their informative contents! Thank you for this interesting video.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 8, 2020
Subject: بازنشر
Subject: بازنشر
میتوانم این فیلم را بازنشر کنم
در این سایت
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favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 15, 2020
Subject: kelly
Subject: kelly
I was wondering what happened to kelly flock after 2017!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 12, 2019
Subject: Great episode!
Subject: Great episode!
Really enjoyed watching this show on the Commodore 64. I work in IT and used to own a Commodore 64, Commodore 128 and then the Amiga 500. Awesome computers and many fond memories!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 14, 2018
Subject: wow.
Subject: wow.
this is some fascinating stuff. thanks for saving it!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 5, 2010
Subject: !
Subject: !
Very interesting and very valuable! I never knew Commodore 64 because 1)in my country they don't use anything but Windows 2)I was very little when it was released and when I began to study computers Win 95 was already out (I actually began with Win 3.1 as not every school could afford 95) For a long time I didn't know that there was something else apart from Windows & Mac. This is why it is so interesting and exciting to learn that in fact there was so much more than Windows, many other companies, operational systems, computer brands. Amiga, Atari and so on. Microsoft ripped them all off, it seems. I wish I had lived back then and tried it all out. It was in its infancy, and people were so excited. Now everyone has those fancy Windows 7 and Vista, and Mac, and there's nothing else... (well maybe Linux). And many are bugged with it.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
July 8, 2009
Subject: VIC-20 - Commodore-64
Subject: VIC-20 - Commodore-64
Our first computer was a VIC-20 and then Dad got us the Commodore-64.. it was pretty cool.. We had cassette tapes and then got the floppy disk drive. My brother still has the Commodore-64, we did our school reports and wrote basic programs too..At school we had PET Computers also by Commodore.. It's to bad the company did not make it and it would of been interesting to see if they were still around today.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 6, 2009
Subject: Blast from the past
Subject: Blast from the past
An $800.00 CD-Rom drive! A $300 and something disk with an entire encyclopedia! Graphics pixel by pixel! and the music! The introduction of the 386! Oooh! Do I dare?
My first computer was a Commodore-64 and I also used an Amiga. What a hoot! Hard to believe this was only 20 years ago!
Now I have software that can create entire 3-D environments and sophisticated animation and midi with a few deft key strokes!
Glad to see some real history of what was really going with computers back then! Thanks!
My first computer was a Commodore-64 and I also used an Amiga. What a hoot! Hard to believe this was only 20 years ago!
Now I have software that can create entire 3-D environments and sophisticated animation and midi with a few deft key strokes!
Glad to see some real history of what was really going with computers back then! Thanks!
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 17, 2008
Subject: My Commodore 64 Web-Server
Subject: My Commodore 64 Web-Server
Take a look at our 1982 built c64 webserver !.
c64Web is a real Commodore 64 and 1541 floppy disk drive with no modifications,running contiki a webserver program for memory constrainted computer's by Adam Dunkels using a FB-Net ethernet cartridge designed and built by fotios. has been on the internet for about a year now and online 24/7.
c64Web is a real Commodore 64 and 1541 floppy disk drive with no modifications,running contiki a webserver program for memory constrainted computer's by Adam Dunkels using a FB-Net ethernet cartridge designed and built by fotios. has been on the internet for about a year now and online 24/7.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 13, 2008
Subject: We Still Love The Commodore 64
Subject: We Still Love The Commodore 64
Back in the 80's I used OmniWriter as by word processor, Superbase 64 for my database and had many games like Airborne Ranger, Silent Service, F-15 Strike Eagle, Gunship all made by MicroProse. GREAT games. I still play these games using an emulator that runs on my XP Pentium 4 2.0 computer. It is free as well as the software. These games are more fun to play than the current new games that are made for the PC, playstation or Wii.
Find out more on the following site:
Find out more on the following site:
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 9, 2008
Subject: Sad thing is...
Subject: Sad thing is...
C64, with 8 bit CPU and 64KB RAM could really have a full GUI which actually works and produces things back in 1988. I actually used GeOS and believe me, it could be more stable than current OS X or Linux and some tasks were easier. Just look at how fast that "file" dialogue opens.
Remember how long it took for Windows 95 to come up providing a similar experience and imagine how many years the computer evolution was lost because of the PC/Microsoft monopoly.
Remember how long it took for Windows 95 to come up providing a similar experience and imagine how many years the computer evolution was lost because of the PC/Microsoft monopoly.
January 21, 2008
Subject: Ah, the good old days!
Subject: Ah, the good old days!
I seriously miss my Commodore 64. Even more, I miss all those monthly magazines full of programs and applications and snippets that could be typed in and saved, and often customized in powerful and illuminating ways. I miss having control of my computer, instead of feeling like it doesn't really need me at all, dialing up who-knows-who in the middle of the night and "upgrading" itself in mysterious ways, all on its own. My first word processor I typed in out of a list in Compute's Gazette Magazine. It was a few thousand bytes long, and it did everything I really NEED from Word, which sprawls across tens of thousands of megabytes of my hard disk. I learned so much from my C-64--things that my PC would never permit me to learn today, because I might interfere with it doing whatever it wants without me.
favoritefavoritefavorite -
October 19, 2007
Subject: Commodore dropped the ball
Subject: Commodore dropped the ball
I remember going into Electronic Boutique, Now EB games or gamestop... There was a small section of IBM a few Apple items and 3.5 walls full of commodore stuff.. I logged onto compuserve in the late 70's on a VIC-20 with a 400 baud modem... I think. This is great nostoalgia.
As for curators choice, it's not 2004 anymore.
As for curators choice, it's not 2004 anymore.
Rafal Kudlinski
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
December 31, 2005
Subject: Live long Commodore 64...
Subject: Live long Commodore 64...
Computer Chronicles is a really excellent tv show ... on this episode you can get more information about commodore 64 including excellent GEOS operating system ... You may not know that but Quantum link (AOL of the 80's) is available again for commodore 64 users ... you may want to visit for more info ...
Gavin Baker
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
April 20, 2005
Subject: Great nostalgia piece
Subject: Great nostalgia piece
I highly recommend the "software review" at the end -- an electronic encyclopedia on CD-ROM. The CD only cost $300, plus $800 for a CD-ROM drive! (You could also choose to pay $1 a minute to access the encyclopedia online.) Really brings projects like Wikipedia into perspective, doesn't it?
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
September 9, 2004 (edited)
Subject: Totally Awesome!!
Subject: Totally Awesome!!
The Commodore 64 was one of just a handful of computers in PC history to ever gain a huge following and devoted groups of users all around the entire world. This episode does a pretty good job of capturing some of that old school feeling with interviews with some folks from various users groups, programmers, and musicians. Who ever thought you could buy a PC for $300 and program it to do all this really advanced stuff!
The olden golden days of the Commodore, Amiga, and Apple II were sadly forgotten in the 90's with the introduction of Windows 3 and eventually 95. A majority of users were for some reason tempted away from the innovative and useful (Commodore, Apple, Mac, etc) and drawn into the dim world of Microsoft, IBM, Dell, Gateway, beige boxes, and so forth.
It wasn't until relatively recently with the explosion of open source, Linux, DIY PC's, and contemporary enthusiasts groups and web sites, that a lot of that 80's spirit came back to life just in a much more advanced manner and somewhat de-centralized. But hey, it's back and that's all that matters. It's like the 1984 Mac commercial, we don't have to worry about Big Blue, Big Brothers, Big Microsofts, or any other greedy PC makers lacking in innovation and character. Long live the C64 and the good old 80's, and thanks to all the people that are helping to keep that spirit alive in today's products.
The olden golden days of the Commodore, Amiga, and Apple II were sadly forgotten in the 90's with the introduction of Windows 3 and eventually 95. A majority of users were for some reason tempted away from the innovative and useful (Commodore, Apple, Mac, etc) and drawn into the dim world of Microsoft, IBM, Dell, Gateway, beige boxes, and so forth.
It wasn't until relatively recently with the explosion of open source, Linux, DIY PC's, and contemporary enthusiasts groups and web sites, that a lot of that 80's spirit came back to life just in a much more advanced manner and somewhat de-centralized. But hey, it's back and that's all that matters. It's like the 1984 Mac commercial, we don't have to worry about Big Blue, Big Brothers, Big Microsofts, or any other greedy PC makers lacking in innovation and character. Long live the C64 and the good old 80's, and thanks to all the people that are helping to keep that spirit alive in today's products.
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